Safety Tips

Canada Marriage Bureau  strives to provide you a secure interface with assured safety to aassist you in your partner search.



Canada Marriage Bureau Customer Relations team makes sure that all the profiles submitted to us are scrutinized for improper and/or malicious content.


We follow stringent abuse detection, restricting and reporting guidelines for the profiles that might slip through our scrutiny.


Your safety and privacy, however, is limitied by the circumstances and activities beyond our control. It is, therefore humbly suggested to you to follow basic rules of privacy to have an experience of uncompromised safety and secutiry.


Listed below are some of the basic privacy protection rules to avoid any potential breach



1. Keep your identity concealed



The contacting sytem ( accepting/rejecting or sending invitations for interacting) and private messaging system has been delibretly designed by us to keep your identity concealed to protect it unless YOU override it to reveal it.




Keep in mind that your actions control your onlie interaction. Unless YOU choose otherwise your online identity will always remain hidden or concealed


Be cautious while sending initial messages to avoid accidental revealing of identity through details like personal contact information in the form of e-mail, home or office address, contact number or any other details which can help your identificaiotn.


It is better to be safe than fell sorry. Keep patience and exercise caution before believing your hunches in sending contact information to strangers.




2. Don’t rush – Begin with e-mails


Create an e-mail account exclusively for initial interactions. Tread cautiously by only forwarding this e-mail address and restricting interaction only through its us use.




Be on alert about any improper behaviour or information mismatch. Well-intentioned individuals will respect your privacy and will never force you to rush.


To have a balnced view take help of your near and dear ones in reading messages you receive to avoid missing any warning signals.


Immidiately halt any interaction with any individual who tries to put you under pressure to reveal your personal details directly or by using indirect tricks.


Avoid using pre-set sign-off lines in your e-mails that use your address or phone number by default.


Avoid using your actual or office e-mail id for exchanging messages with any individual with whom you are not well known.




3. Insist on a photo


It is said pictures speak better than words. An individual’s photograph will give you a good idea about the person’s personality to help you form an informed opinion.


Photo Request  facility has been provided by Canada Marriage Bureau for precisely such purposes. As photo uploading an scannin facilities are offered free of cost by Canada Marriage Bureau there should be no excuse, whatsoever in providing with a photograph when requested.


It is a good idea to have a look at a person’s pictures taken in various settings and surroundings to satisfy oneself completely. Anybody trying to avoid providing you with a photo offering various excuses is trying to conceal something.




4. Conversation over telephone


You can sample a person’s social etiquette and conversational skills by having a talk over phone but be cautious about your safety and privacy by not letting strangers know your personal phone or mobile number.


Make use of available technologies like telephone identity concealing or a prepaid cellphone number to hide your Caller ID. Get sufficient background information and build a certain comfort level with the person before shraing your phone number.


Before making a call on a phone number with strange area codes provided to you by somebody make sure it is not a charge number.




5. Don’t meet unless YOU are ready


You are under no obligation to meet somebody in person unless you have made up your mind.Make full use of this advantage of online interaction to gather sufficient details before deciding about meeting personally. Take your own sweet time, never rush.


Exercise your control over proceedings of a reltionship once it grows from being online to offline



You have the freedom to change your mind even if a meeting was arranged by you. Always trust your gut feeling about a relationship as it might not be possible to explain it logically but it certainly keeps you away from any harm. Being cautious pays rich dividends.



6. Choose a safe meeting place


Once you have decided to take a relationship a bit further taking help of families from any or both sides helps in making meetings fruitful. Anybody deciding to meet a person alone should keep a friend or family member/s informed about your place and time of meeting/return.


Choose a good and safe public meeting place like a good cafeteria or a restaurant once you decide to have a one to one meeting with somebody. Schedule it in such a manner that there are sufficient people around and use your own means for journeying to and back from the meeting.


It is advisable to arrange a first meeting in the company of a friend or a relative from both the sides than meeting alone


Keep your friend or a family member infromed about the name, telephone number and address of the person you are going to meet if you decide to meet a person alone. Always carry your mobile phone along in such cases.




Don’t plan your picking-up or dropping back to your home by your prospective partner.




A lonely place or a movie together is a bad idea for a first meeting if you ar meeting alone



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